Thinking of place in four dimensions

I believe in what it takes to make places go

How to make places move

First dimensionality of place is place (points)

Then the space between (points on plane)

Then how you connect those places (relationships elevate plane)

Then how you make those places move other places (movement of shapes create life)

Four-dimensional people, four-dimensional planning. 

As we live in time, our places should shape us to shape places.

I believe in what it takes to create joyous, happy, emergent places

That sustain long-term prosperity and hope

For futures yet untold

Telling the story of potential of place

I believe in the potential of vision

If we and our places are seeds, then a neighborhood also can water itself

But does not always know how to

Good urbanism is a coach on how to water those seeds

You cannot water plastic trees

For plants to emerge, for vibrant places

You must provide ingredients and environmental conditions ripe for them

What is that cookbook?

What is that menu? 

Great places are built one block at a time. Incrementally building small wins atop of other small wins

To create systems that sustain joy of life

Each of these components is necessary for dynamic and thriving environments.

Let's think by block together.

And create movementality.



buildings, workplaces, structures, parcels

"where people are or could be"



streets, landscaping, parks, boulevards, programmed areas, 

"the areas between places"



connections, nodes, urban design, placemaking

"the marriage between space and place"



how do we make places go? good urbanism means understanding and anticipating how places are used.

"how people utilize space"

Urbanism takes many forms. I've worked on a diverse array + scale of projects, from single-site planning to parking lot activation to city-wide and regional plans. Here are some recent projects.

p l a c e

s p a c e


            m o v e m e n t  >>>>> life

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